Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Pemerintah Susah Cari Lahan Aman di Wasior
Oleh : Irvan Ali Fauzi
Nasional - Senin, 25 Oktober 2010 | 22:04 WIB
INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Pemerintah berencana membangu 1.000 hunian sementara (huntara) untuk pengungsi korban banjir bandang di Wasior, Papua Barat.

Itu ditegaskan oleh Juru Bicara Wakil Presiden Yopie Hidayat saat mempresentasikan hasil rapat Wakil Presiden Boediono dengan beberapa menteri terkait rencana aksi pasca bencana di Wasior.

"Yang disiapkan 1.000 unit huntara, sesuai yang dibutuhkan," ujar Yopie di Kantor Wakil Presiden, Senin (25/10/2010).

Yopie mengatakan, bahwa jumlah itu masih fleksibel karena masih menyesaikan dengan jumlah pengungsi. "Ketika diumumkan ada seperti itu, tiba-tiba jumlah pengungsi melonjak, karena ada juga pengungsi yang lebih suka tinggal dulu di rumah keluarganya. Ini tentu saja semua akan bergerak sangat variatif dan dinamis, soal angka harus menimbang terus situasi di lapangan," katanya.

Hunian Sementara Wasior Ditargetkan Rampung Bulan Depan  

Alat berat memindahkan tumpukan kayu yang menimpa sebuah pasar di Sandui, Wasior, 
Kabupaten Teluk Wondama, Papua Barat. TEMPO/Tony Hartawan

TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta - Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Djoko Kirmanto menargetkan hunian sementara di Wasior, Papua Barat, bakal rampung bulan depan. "Mudah-mudahan pertengahan November semua pengungsi sudah bisa pindah ke huntara (hunian sementara)," ujarnya seusai rapat Grand Design Wasior di Istana Wakil Presiden, Senin (25/10).

Sejauh ini, katanya, baru 20 persen bahan baku hunian sementara yang telah tiba di lokasi.

Menurut Juru Bicara Wakil Presiden Yopie Hidayat, pemerintah menyiapkan seribu unit hunian sementara. Angka ini bisa berubah sesuai perkembangan di lapangan. "Yang penting sekarang percepatan pengiriman material. Target dalam waktu tiga minggu selesai. Pesan Pak Wapres, agar melibatkan pemerintah setempat," ucapnya.
Kerugian Bencana Wasior Rp278 Miliar
Pemerintah menyiapkan grand design rekonstruksi Wasior yang dilakukan Bappenas.
 Senin, 25 Oktober 2010, 23:21 WIB
Arfi Bambani Amri, Bayu Galih 
Warga Kembali Ke Wasior (Antara/Yudi Mahatma)
VIVAnews - Meski berskala kabupaten, kerugian akibat bencana banjir bandang di Wasior, Teluk Wondama, Papua Barat, mencapai Rp278 miliar. Pemerintah kehilangan aset Rp41 miliar, sisanya swasta.

"Ini sekali lagi perkiraan sementara sampai tanggal 20 Oktober berdasarkan data Bappenas," kata Juru Bicara Wakil Presiden, Yopie Hidayat, di kantor Wakil Presiden, Jakarta, Senin 25 Oktober 2010.

Untuk rekonstruksi dan rehabilitasi, rapat terbatas di kantor Wakil Presiden memutuskan Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional akan menyiapkan grand design. "Minggu depan, Bappenas dengan bahan dari BNPB dan dari Pemda, sinkronkan master plan dengan pembangunan Papua dan Papua Barat," kata Yopie.
DPR Usut Dana Otsus Papua-Aceh Rp587 M
Oleh : Ekonomi - Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010 | 11:40 WIB
INILAH.COM, Jakarta - DPR RI meminta klarifikasi Menkeu tentang alokasi otonomi khusus (otsus) Papua dan Aceh terkait temuan BPK senilai Rp587 miliar.

"Dana otsus memang haknya Papua dan Aceh, tapi bukan berarti hak itu bisa digunakan semena-mena karena kita dapat masukan itu tidak digunakan dengan baik. Harusnya kan untuk kesehatan dan lain-lain, tapi kelihatannya tidak," ujar Ketua Banggar DPR, Melchias Mekeng di DPR RI, Selasa (26/10).

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Pernyataan Sikap
Ikatan Keluarga Orang Hilang Indonesia – IKOHI

Menolak Pemberian Gelar Pahlawan Nasional kepada Soeharto!!!

Salam solidaritas,

Kementerian Sosial, menurut Sekretaris Kabinet Dipo Alam, akan segera mengajukan 10 nama tokoh yang telah diseleksi untuk memperoleh gelar pahlawan nasional kepada Dewan Gelar, Tanda Kehormatan dan Tanda Jasa yang dipimpin oleh Menteri Koordinator Politik, Hukum dan Keamanan, Djoko Suyanto. Salah satu nama tokoh yang telah disaring oleh Kementerian Sosial adalah Soeharto. Tentu saja munculnya nama Soeharto untuk diajukan menjadi Pahlawan Nasional menjadi perdebatan hangat akhir-akhir ini.

Jelas, bagi IKOHI sebagai organisasi korban dan keluarga korban pelanggaran HAM di Indonesia, menolak dengan keras jika Soeharto diajukan sebagai Pahlawan Nasional. Soeharto sebagai pemimpin rezim Orde Baru tentunya memiliki peranan yang sangat besar terhadap terjadinya kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM di masa tersebut. Soeharto sebagai pimpinan tertinggi Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia (ABRI) atau yang sekarang dikenal sebagai Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) tentunya mengetahui dan membiarkan terjadinya kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM tersebut.


by Poengky Indarti on Friday, October 22, 2010 at 6:32pm

Tiga tahun setelah kedatangan Wakil Khusus Sekjen PBB untuk Situasi Pembela HAM Ibu Hina Jilani ke Papua pada bulan Juni 2007, situasi para Pembela HAM di Papua tidak mengalami perubahan.[1] Aparat keamanan, antara lain polisi, militer dan intelejen masih saja melakukan kekerasan terhadap Para Pembela HAM di Papua.[2] Target kekerasan adalah perorangan maupun organisasi yang melakukan kritik terhadap kebijakan pemerintah, mulai dari aktivis Dewan Adat Papua hingga para pemimpin agama.[3] Meskipun kekerasan tersebut telah dilaporkan kepada Pemerintah, tetapi kekebalan masih saja menyelimuti aparat yang melakukan pelanggaran terhadap para Pembela HAM di Papua.[4]

Di tahun 2010, tuduhan melakukan tindakan makar[5] masih digunakan oleh aparat kepolisian di Papua untuk membungkam gerakan mahasiswa.[6] Di sisi lain, Pemerintah juga menggunakan stigma separatis untuk menjustifikasi kekerasan yang dilakukan aparat terhadap Para Pembela HAM Papua[7].

Berbagai kekerasan terhadap Para Pembela HAM di Papua antara lain pada tanggal 15 Januari 2010, Pemerintah mengumumkan pelarangan buku tulisan Pendeta Socrates Sofyan Yoman berjudul “Suara Gereja bagi Umat Tertindas” dengan alasan buku tersebut dianggap mengadu domba dan membahayakan NKRI.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Brutality in Papua will continue, expert warns

Tom Allard HERALD CORRESPONDENT October 20, 2010

JAKARTA: The torture of a Papuan man by Indonesian security forces, depicted in a video that emerged this week, is not surprising and is likely to be repeated, according to the man who led a landmark study into the unrest in Papua for the Indonesian government.

The frank assessment from Muridan Widjojo, editor of The Papua Road Map, comes amid further evidence of Indonesian military brutality in the troubled region, with a video showing soldiers indiscriminately kicking and punching bound Papuan detainees.

''I am not surprised,'' said Dr Widjojo when asked about the first video, which shows a Papuan, believed to be a man called Tunaliwor Kiwo, stripped naked and then poked with a burning stick in his genitals.
''Given the dominant 'anti-separatist' security perspective among [military and police] officials both in Jakarta and in Papua, similar conduct would very likely take place again in the near future.''
Minister Mum on Papua Torture Video, but Promises Investigation
Ismira Lutfia & Nivell Rayda | October 19, 2010

Jakarta. Minister of Justice and Human Rights Patrialis Akbar declined comment on an Internet video that appears to show Indonesian soldiers torturing Papuans, but promised a probe. He made the remarks on Wednesday at the launch of the Human Rights Resource Center for Asean.

The 10-minute video was posted on video-sharing Web site YouTube late last week under the title “Military Torture of Indigenous Papuans,” but was taken down on Monday morning.

It showed two Papuan men pinned to the ground and being roughly interrogated by six unidentified men. One is wearing Army-issue blue aerobics pants and another is wearing an Army camouflage jacket.

Indonesia: Papua 'torture video' must be independently investigated

Posted: 19 October 2010
The Indonesian government should initiate an independent investigation into reports of torture and other ill-treatment in Papua over the last two years, Amnesty International said today.
A video published online last week shows Papuans being kicked and physically abused, in some instances by men in uniform. Amnesty is urging the Indonesian government to appoint the National Human Rights Commission to lead the investigation.
Amnesty said the government should also ensure the security of the members of the commission carrying out the investigation, as well as the security of victims, witnesses and their families. Amnesty also called on the Indonesian government to publicise findings and make them accessible, whenever relevant, to victims and their families. 
Amnesty International Asia-Pacific Deputy Director Donna Guest said:
“The release of this video is the latest reminder that torture and other-ill-treatment in Indonesia often go unchecked and unpunished.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010 16:17 PM

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Govt urged to verify Papua torture video

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Tue, 10/19/2010 9:36 AM | Headlines
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Legislators and human rights activists have urged the government to verify the authenticity of a video that appears to show men in military uniform torturing an indigenous Papuan, including one scene in which soldiers press a red-hot stick against the man’s genitals.
The Asian Human Rights Commission posted the nearly five-minute-long video on YouTube for 22 hours Saturday before removing it, Kompas.com reported.
“The government must find out the truth behind the video, including checking the place, time and people involved in the video,” National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) chairman Ifdhal Kasim said, adding that the government must take legal action against the culprits if the video turned out to be genuine.
In the video, the torturers held a knife against the throat of a Papuan man, who is almost completely naked and lying on the ground. In another scene, a man with a black bag on his head presses a glowing bamboo stick against the victim’s genitals.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010 16:16 PM

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Thorough look into Papua autonomy

Neles Tebay, Papua | Tue, 10/19/2010 9:39 AM | Opinion
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After nine years of waiting, the central government has finally decided to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the implementation of the Law on Special Autonomy for Papua. The evaluation is scheduled for next year.
The director for regional management and special autonomy at the Home Ministry, Sumarsono, said in August that the comprehensive evaluation would measure the effectiveness of the autonomy law in practice. Thus the evaluation needs to be supported by all parties and stakeholders — whether in Jakarta, Jayapura or Manokwari.
To assess the government’s action plan, three variables must be considered: The evaluation’s objectives, content and parameters.
First, there is a need for clearly-defined objectives for the evaluation. The evaluation needs to define tangible, attainable and visible objectives that will help not only to direct each and every party involved, but also determine the evaluation’s agenda.
Rajawali Looks to Sweeten Prospects by Planting Roots in Papua Food Estate
Aloysius Unditi | October 18, 2010

Jakarta. The Rajawali Corporation is in the final stages of securing government approval to seal a deal valued at over $300 million for a sugarcane operation that will help transform Papua’s Merauke into the nation’s breadbasket. 

Under the plan, Rajawali unit Cendrawasih Jaya Mandiri is expected to spend up to Rp 3 trillion ($336 million) to set up an integrated sugarcane operation in Merauke. Investments will include securing land and providing infrastructure such as electricity. 

If all goes smoothly, the plant is expected to eventually produce 12,000 tons of cane per day. 

Rajawali’s move to invest in Indonesia’s eastern outpost coincides with the government’s newly introduced industrial zone status for the region, called the Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate. 
Calls for Probe Into Indonesian ‘Military Torture’ Video
Nivell Rayda & Markus Junianto Sihaloho | October 19, 2010

Jakarta. A volley of international criticism was unleashed at Indonesia on Monday over a video circulating on the Internet that apparently depicts two Papuans being interrogated and tortured by Indonesian soldiers. 

The graphic 10-minute video was posted on video-sharing Web site YouTube late last week under the title “Military Torture of Indigenous Papuans,” but was taken down on Monday morning. 

In it, two Papuan men are pinned to the ground while interrogated by six unidentified men. One is wearing Army-standard blue aerobics pants and another an Army camouflage jacket. 

While one interrogator puts a foot on the chest of one of the Papuans, who is stripped naked with his hands and feet bound, a man can be heard asking him about the location of weapons in the area. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010 02:06 AM

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House to question TNI Chief over torture in Papua

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Mon, 10/18/2010 2:46 PM | National
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The House of Representatives said Monday it would question Indonesian Military (TNI) Chief Adm. Agus Suhartono over an alleged military torture of Papuan separatists posted in Youtube.

Legislators Bambang Soesatyo and Effendi Choirie agreed that Agus must explain the incident.

Effendi said soldiers could not just treat people arbitrarily.

"If there is a law violation, let police finish the job. It's not soldier job," he said as quoted by kompas.com

The video reportedly showed that TNI soldiers kicked and hit Papuan separatists and even burned the penis of one of them. However, the video has been removed by Youtube for its shocking and disgusting content.
Source: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2010/10/18/house-question-tni-chief-over-torture-papua.html

Indonesia investigates police 'torture footage'


Indonesian police are investigating whether or not a video allegedly showing Indonesian soldiers torturing indigenous Papuans is authentic.
A Hong Kong-based human rights group has uploaded the graphic video on its website, and it was filmed recently.
Papua is one of the least developed and most remote provinces in Indonesia, despite its rich natural resources.

Related stories

A small group of rebels has waged a war for independence from Indonesia for the last few decades.
The grainy and badly shot footage shows men dressed in what appear to be military uniforms, kicking and abusing indigenous Papuan villagers.
Abuses will not stop co-operation with Indonesia
Tom Allard JAKARTA and Kirsty Needham 
October 19, 2010

THE conduct of Indonesia's security agencies was sometimes ''not up to our standard'', the head of Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs, Dennis Richardson, said yesterday.
But the government would continue to co-operate with the agencies because of the over-riding objective of protecting Australian lives amid a continuing terrorist threat in Indonesia.
''In working with Indonesian agencies you can get tension between the responsibility you think you owe to your own citizens … and the conduct of some Indonesian agencies that are not up to our standard,'' Mr Richardson said yesterday.

Video shows Papuans being tortured

Tom Allard in Jakarta
October 18, 2010
A graphic and disturbing video shows a Papuan man being poked in the genitals with a fiery stick as he is interrogated by a group of men who appear to be members of Indonesia's security services.
The video has come to light as the Indonesian government faces continuing criticism about abuses by its security forces in Papua, scene of a long simmering separatist struggle.
The Papuan man, stripped naked, bound and with one of the interrogators placing his foot on his chest, is being asked about the location of a cache of weapons. After he tells his interrogators it has been hidden in a pigpen, one of them screams at him: ''You cheat, you cheat.''
‘‘Get a fire’’ ... video posted on YouTube shows two Papuan men being tortured by apparent members of the Indonesian security services.  One has a smouldering stick applied to his genitals.
‘‘Get a fire’’ ... video posted on YouTube shows two Papuan men being tortured by apparent members of the Indonesian security services. One has a smouldering stick applied to his genitals.
Another interrogator then yells ''get a fire, get a fire'' before a colleague administers the torture with a stick that has been burnt in a fire and is smouldering. The man screams in agony, and does so again when the treatment is repeated.

Wasior refugees flee disaster area

Wasior, West Papua (ANTARA News) - Hundreds of refugees of Wasior, West Papua, again have fled the disaster area on Sunday.

They fled because they feared a recurrence of the disastrous flash floods that hit their villages more than a week ago, a military official said.

"As many as 400 refugees have registered themselves for going to Manokwari," Captain M. Irawan, duty officer at post command-1, Wasior, said on Sunday. The refugees who have reported their departure for Manokwari had been given letters on their refugee status so that they could get free transportation.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010 01:51 AM

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Aid flows to Wasior

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Sun, 10/17/2010 1:45 PM | National
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Six state-owned companies have delivered aid for victims of Wasior flood, Papua.

The six firms are PT Wijaya Karya, Adhi Karya, Hutama Karya, Nindya Karya, Pembangunan Perumahan,  and Waskita Karya.

"It's part of our social responsibility," Wijaya Karya secretart Natal Argawan said as quoted by kompas.com.

Natal said the amount of the assistance reached  Rp 750 million (US$80,000) in the form of, among others, food, milk, medicine, temporary shelter, and clothes.
Source: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2010/10/17/aid-flows-wasior.html